Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Couldn't have asked for a nicer day to make the trip from Fort Lauderdale to Miami. We left the ICW behind and headed to the open waters where the sky was blue, sun shining, light winds and calm seas. The skylines along the way were  so pretty and interesting. 

 We did encounter a huge cargo ship coming out of the Miami inlet but Captain Ed was standing his ground and forced the huge ship to move over to the side for us!  We looked like a mini toy sail boat compared to him.   Our plans were to anchor in Sunset Lake, off the Venetian Causeway, but the anchorage at the end of the causeway only had 3 other sailboats with plenty of room, so we are currently at anchor beside the park, Marine Police Station and the Sunset Harbour Yacht Club.  

Who doesn't love 87 degrees, palm trees, sun shine and warm ocean waters in December????  We are having fantastic weather and really enjoying South Beach, a section of Miami Beach.  There are several different sections along the South Beach area, from Ocean Drive, 1st Street to 12th Street is the topless beach; the gay and lesbian beach is from 8th Street to 12th Street and Collins Avenue from 78th Street to 87th Terrace is a quieter section, ideal for families.  There are lifeguards and concrete promenades bordering the beach, where you can just sit and "people watch" for hours! The Lincoln Mall area is filled with shops and every type of restaurant you could think of, with plenty of outdoor dining with your pet. Such a vast variety of people everywhere along with the Rolls Royces, Jaguars and Hummers pulling out of the fancy hotels!  We could make this place home for awhile but we have to move on and get ready to cross the Gulf Stream to deep into the Bahama Island chain.

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