After three years of cruising onboard Makai and knowing that the cruising life was not a long term life style, Ed and I have decided to put Makai up for sale, hoping to give another adventurous captain and his crew an opportunity to enjoy her as we have. The past three years have been amazing times for us, meeting new friends, visiting new areas, and testing our limits. But it is time to move on and see what other doors are ready to open. We have traveled up and down the east coast of the U.S. and to the islands in the Bahamas, viewing gorgeous sunrises and sunsets, walking the white sand beaches and swimming in the crystal clear waters. As our chapter of sailing Makai closes, another chapter will soon wishing all fair winds and calm seas until we meet again.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Makai is now offered for sale
2007 Caliber 40 Long Range Cruiser Sailboat
Great Sale Cay to Vero Beach, Florida
We awoke bright and early Saturday morning and noticed a lot of the boats at anchor had already headed out, so at 0700 hrs. we pulled our anchor and left Great Sale Cay anchorage heading towards the Little Bahama Bank. Very light winds were blowing so we motor-sailed most of the day. We arrived at Little Bahama Bank at 1500, but instead of stopping and resting, we decided to keep on going and get back into Florida as quick as possible as the weather was due to change for the worse on Sunday.
You can tell where the banks meet the Atlantic Ocean as there is a definite color change going from 20 feet of water to the mysterious deeper waters of the open ocean and gulf stream. Eva had to say goodbye to clearly seeing and watching the starfish in the shallows along with the fish swimming along side Makai. As the afternoon quickly turned into evening the winds picked up a little and we put out full sail and looking grand. We still only maintained between 6 and 7 knots as we were "crabbing" in almost two knots of current in order to get the right angle into Fort Pierce, Fl. At 2330 hrs we encountered a Carnival cruise ship who was set on a collision course with Makai. He had no plans of altering his course so as we got within a mile of him and watching their big screen television on deck, Captain Ed decided we needed to turn! An hour later, we were heading
into the Fort Pierce Channel, which is very well marked making a night time entry a piece of cake. As soon as we turned to starboard on the ICW we dropped anchor and headed for some shut eye. It was a long 18 hours, but what we consider a very good crossing. In the morning we headed to Vero Beach, where we are currently on a mooring ball and getting laundry and shopping done. We are seeing so many of our friends we had met in the Bahamas and will be traveling north with many of them. We took a dingy ride to the marina to purchase 5 gallons of gas to keep on board for the dingy. Unaware a manatee was under the surface we started rising in the water being gently nudged up in the air and off his back!
You can tell where the banks meet the Atlantic Ocean as there is a definite color change going from 20 feet of water to the mysterious deeper waters of the open ocean and gulf stream. Eva had to say goodbye to clearly seeing and watching the starfish in the shallows along with the fish swimming along side Makai. As the afternoon quickly turned into evening the winds picked up a little and we put out full sail and looking grand. We still only maintained between 6 and 7 knots as we were "crabbing" in almost two knots of current in order to get the right angle into Fort Pierce, Fl. At 2330 hrs we encountered a Carnival cruise ship who was set on a collision course with Makai. He had no plans of altering his course so as we got within a mile of him and watching their big screen television on deck, Captain Ed decided we needed to turn! An hour later, we were heading
into the Fort Pierce Channel, which is very well marked making a night time entry a piece of cake. As soon as we turned to starboard on the ICW we dropped anchor and headed for some shut eye. It was a long 18 hours, but what we consider a very good crossing. In the morning we headed to Vero Beach, where we are currently on a mooring ball and getting laundry and shopping done. We are seeing so many of our friends we had met in the Bahamas and will be traveling north with many of them. We took a dingy ride to the marina to purchase 5 gallons of gas to keep on board for the dingy. Unaware a manatee was under the surface we started rising in the water being gently nudged up in the air and off his back!
Our Crossing
We left Green Turtle Cay in the Abacos on Friday (3/19) and headed toward Great Sale Cay where we would spend the evening. We encountered 20 knots of head winds directly and moderate 3-4 foot seas with an exhilarating salt water spray over the bow. Our speed was only 5 knots for the majority of the day, picking up to 6 + knots for the last 2 hours. The 60 mile trip took approximately 10 hours. We enjoyed a quiet, peaceful night before we would be on the move again over the banks and into the gulf stream waters.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Heading home - back to USA
With the weather window looking good for Saturday and Sunday, we will be heading back to the USA and arriving in Florida where we will continue our blog!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Whale Cut/Green Turtle
When thinking about transiting the Whale cut, you always hear a story or two. This season, it seems to be the one about a trawler who transited the “Whale” heading south. Just after they turned to port to head from the ocean and into the cut, a rogue, 10-foot breaking wave lifted the stern of their boat out of the water, they lost rudder control, the boat turned sideways and broached far enough over that water came in through the windows. They struggled to gain control as debris flew throughout the cabin and fortunately the rudder finally grabbed and they slipped through the cut and into the safety of calmer water. Ed and I never underestimate the power of Mother Nature when it comes to boating. Captain Ed always takes the necessary precautions relating to weather and its effect. Just north of Great Guana Cay lies the Whale Cay Channel where boaters need to take extra precautions. Its at the “Whale” where boaters have to leave the relative safety of the Sea of Abacos and head into the ocean if they wish to travel further south in the Abacos. You navigate through a narrow reef out into the shallows of the Atlantic Ocean, making a 90-degree turn and continue three miles to the lee of Green Turtle Cay. As fellow boaters reported, even under the best of circumstances, this passage is notorious for wreaking havoc, even sinking big ships when "rage" conditions (huge, breaking waves) are present. We headed out at 7:30 am from Great Guana Cay. There were no winds, so we couldn't put up a sail but did encounter some rollers of four feet. It was a little rolly, but very passable. We were back into the Sea of Abaco in no time and heading to Green Turtle Cay. Green Turtle has special meaning to us. It was the first settlement that we anchored at on our first trip to the Bahamas three years ago and it was there that we lost our "Max" who passed away only two weeks after arriving in the Bahamas. After entering the channel, we called the two marinas, Green Turtle Club and Bluff House and found Bluff House to have a March Madness special of $1.25 a foot, free water and you can eat and drink in the restaurant using the amount of your dockage fee. What a deal - stay free because we always have to eat! After getting tied up into the slip the first thing we had to do was go and see Max's grave. So Ed myself and Rylee took the short 10 minute walk to the beach where Max is laid to rest. RIP we miss you Max.
We then met up with Pat and Bob from "Maverick" who are also at the marina and made plans for lunch. Seems like alot of boats pulling in today all plan on making a crossing back to the states this weekend. Another boat "Gorma" with Craig and Colleen are next to us and also planning on staging for a crossing. No problem finding a buddy boat to cross with - someone is always going your way!
We explored some of the settlement as it starting to drizzle, with the streets just wide enough for two golf carts to pass through. Most of the properties are well maintained and painted in soft pastel colors. We stopped at the grocery where the fresh hot homemade Bahamian bread was being delivered. We purchased a loaf along with a few snacks and headed back as it began to rain harder. Had a nice relaxing day and as evening came, we noticed about 4 parrots circling overhead. They reminded us of the wild parrots in Florida, so in the morning we took a walk and again saw them circling overhead close enough to see their colors. We found out that they are a subspecies of the Cuban Amazon parrot, 12-13 inches in length and its white head and green body makes it easily recognizable. It has patches of red feathers on its cheek, throat and sometimes it abdomen, with it flight feathers a beautiful cobalt blue. They are wild and very noisy. We are currently at anchor in Green Turtle as the Bluff House actually requested that we move from our slip in order to accommodate a larger power yacht. We will be leaving tomorrow morning for Great Sale Cay, where there is no phone or internet connection and our last island in the Bahamas before heading across to Florida this weekend.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Great Guana Cay
With the winds down and now out of the north and east, we decided to leave Treasure Cay and head over to Great Guana for our anniversary dinner. Our sail there was leisurely and uneventful. We entered the Fisher Bay anchorage in the late morning and being the only boat there at the time, we had our choice of mooring balls. In making our approach we snagged a long line that was floating just under the surface and it became tangled in the propeller. Captain Ed quickly gave me orders to drop the anchor and we assessed the problem. I suited up in my wetsuit and under the boat I went. I could see lines wrapped around the shaft, so I tried cutting them off but could not manage my task. The mooring ball owner Troy was called from Dive Guana as it was apparent we needed a diver as the Captain cannot leave his boat to go under and look. Any way he said there are sharks in the water. At 1300 hrs, Troy arrived and before you know it he was under the boat and all lines were cut free! It would have taken Ed and I hours. No damage done thank goodness. Great Guana is called the "party island" because of its' famous bars - Grabber's and Nipper's. It is the longest of the Abaco Cays which lies on the east side of the chain and stretches for seven miles. The settlement is one of the smallest but is growing. There are only about 200 residents who call the Cay home. Nipper's Bar and Grill sits perched high atop a forty foot dune overlooking the Great Abaco Barrier Reef. Nipper's is known for it's strong rum drink called the
"The Nipper" and its famous wild boar pig roast held on Sunday afternoons where people from all the islands come for an afternoon of food, drinks, dancing and fun. They also have a two level swimming pool and provide a telephone where you can call home free!
Grabbers Bar and Restaurant is on the other side of the island, also with a swimming pool and their famous "Guana Grabber" drink with just a word of caution - more than two Guana Grabbers and you never know what you
will grab next! On Wednesday evenings they sponsor a pot luck dinner where cruisers and locals come together for some great food, drinks and fun.
"The Nipper" and its famous wild boar pig roast held on Sunday afternoons where people from all the islands come for an afternoon of food, drinks, dancing and fun. They also have a two level swimming pool and provide a telephone where you can call home free!
Grabbers Bar and Restaurant is on the other side of the island, also with a swimming pool and their famous "Guana Grabber" drink with just a word of caution - more than two Guana Grabbers and you never know what you
will grab next! On Wednesday evenings they sponsor a pot luck dinner where cruisers and locals come together for some great food, drinks and fun.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Treasure Cay
After 14 days in Marsh Harbour, the winds have clocked around and it's time for Makai to head to another island to enjoy. But before leaving, Eva had a list of things that need done, so we were both up early and she washed the boat while Ed filled the water tanks and we got fuel ($4.27 gal. diesel). Then we headed to the grocery store for a few last minute things and while in town decided to have breakfast. Upon returning to the marina, we prepared Makai for departure and left the marina at noon, at mid tide with plenty of water. We need to be in Treasure Cay channel at high tide or we would be bumping the bottom. Treasure Cay is listed in National Geographic as "One of the 10 best beaches in the world".
We anchored in a harbor (spelled harbour here as it is a British parliamentary democracy) with full protection from the winds. Because the anchorage is actually in a private resort community there is a minimal charge to anchor in the dredged harbour. This allows you to be considered guests of the marina with full use of all facilities and a great value. Many boaters in the anchorage opt to skip out on paying the marina which is a shame. In the marina complex there is a pool, bar, restaurant, dive shop and jewelry store. Nearby is a grocery store with fresh produce at reasonable prices (for the Bahamas), a post office, community church, liquor store and a laundry where you leave your washing with an elderly lady and pick it up all washed, dried and folded. As we sat and enjoyed some quiet time, Ed and I both noticed several turtles around the boat...they come up for a few seconds and then back down, but have been around the boat for several hours.

Off to the beach - what an incredible welcome sight. Three and a half miles of powdery coral sand in a crescent moon enclosing water colored with all the various shades of blue and turquoise stretching as far as the eye could see. The Cay itself is home to about 2,000 with about 1,000 private homes with full and part time residents made up of Bahamians, Americans, Europeans and Canadians.
There are several restaurants/bars just steps away...Spinnaker Lounge and Restaurant, Coco Beach Bar and the Tipsy Seagull Bar which is right at the swimming pool and noted for their live entertainment. On Tuesday nights, they have a barbecue on the beach complete with a bonfire, Wednesday nights are "drive in movie" night where you take your lawn chairs or golf carts to the parking lot and watch an outside move and on Thursday nights, its pizza night.

We anchored in a harbor (spelled harbour here as it is a British parliamentary democracy) with full protection from the winds. Because the anchorage is actually in a private resort community there is a minimal charge to anchor in the dredged harbour. This allows you to be considered guests of the marina with full use of all facilities and a great value. Many boaters in the anchorage opt to skip out on paying the marina which is a shame. In the marina complex there is a pool, bar, restaurant, dive shop and jewelry store. Nearby is a grocery store with fresh produce at reasonable prices (for the Bahamas), a post office, community church, liquor store and a laundry where you leave your washing with an elderly lady and pick it up all washed, dried and folded. As we sat and enjoyed some quiet time, Ed and I both noticed several turtles around the boat...they come up for a few seconds and then back down, but have been around the boat for several hours.
Off to the beach - what an incredible welcome sight. Three and a half miles of powdery coral sand in a crescent moon enclosing water colored with all the various shades of blue and turquoise stretching as far as the eye could see. The Cay itself is home to about 2,000 with about 1,000 private homes with full and part time residents made up of Bahamians, Americans, Europeans and Canadians.
There are several restaurants/bars just steps away...Spinnaker Lounge and Restaurant, Coco Beach Bar and the Tipsy Seagull Bar which is right at the swimming pool and noted for their live entertainment. On Tuesday nights, they have a barbecue on the beach complete with a bonfire, Wednesday nights are "drive in movie" night where you take your lawn chairs or golf carts to the parking lot and watch an outside move and on Thursday nights, its pizza night.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Marsh Harbor Week 2
We are enjoying ourselves at the marina here with daily excursions walking from place to place or taking the marina courtesy bikes. This morning we were walking to Skaggs supermarket when we were asked if we needed a ride. We accepted the lift from a very friendly woman and even though the ride was short it was pleasant. Skaggs is known for it's seafood (frozen) with lobster in abundance for sure. We decided on frozen shrimp for dinner tomorrow.
The weather outlook is not that good and we should be here for another week. At present it is blowing around 32 knots with a windy forecast for the remainder of the week. We are getting the boat nice and clean with the fresh water washes every couple of days. We also have cable TV with the Winter Olympics toping the list of watched shows and World News a daily event. We have weather channels for Miami, New Jersey, Los Angeles, etc., so we know how bad this winter has taken its toll on those areas.
The marina where we currently are has a Happy Hour Social on Thursday evenings with drinks being 2 for 1 and everyone making their best appetizer.
When we take our dingy into town a Bahamian rushes over to help us tie up and he is also waiting for us when we return. He remembers us from last year when we gave him a bottle of rum in the morning for all his help. That evening when we returned to the dock we found him laying on the cement ramp with 3/4 of the bottle gone. Ed walked over to him to see if he was alive. It took some doing but he managed to awaken him for a few seconds before he passed out again after his jacket was placed under his head acting as a pillow. This year I think we will give him just a couple of Budweisers.
Our plans do call for leaving in a few days heading to Treasure Cay or Guana. Wherever we go it will be nice. Treasure Cay has a beautiful beach (one of the nicest in the world) and Guana is the party cay with Nippers and Grabbers toping the list as a great night out with the cruising as well as the land based tourist community. The Barefoot Man will make his yearly appearance at Nippers this coming weekend with several concerts. That place will be rocking to say the least. They have a pool right next to the bar and at times the party turns into a naked free for all at the pool with cocktails in hand and the music on level 10!
All in a night out at Nippers. Grabbers is another place that is somewhat keyed down but their food is the best. Our favorite is Italian night.
The weather outlook is not that good and we should be here for another week. At present it is blowing around 32 knots with a windy forecast for the remainder of the week. We are getting the boat nice and clean with the fresh water washes every couple of days. We also have cable TV with the Winter Olympics toping the list of watched shows and World News a daily event. We have weather channels for Miami, New Jersey, Los Angeles, etc., so we know how bad this winter has taken its toll on those areas.
The marina where we currently are has a Happy Hour Social on Thursday evenings with drinks being 2 for 1 and everyone making their best appetizer.
When we take our dingy into town a Bahamian rushes over to help us tie up and he is also waiting for us when we return. He remembers us from last year when we gave him a bottle of rum in the morning for all his help. That evening when we returned to the dock we found him laying on the cement ramp with 3/4 of the bottle gone. Ed walked over to him to see if he was alive. It took some doing but he managed to awaken him for a few seconds before he passed out again after his jacket was placed under his head acting as a pillow. This year I think we will give him just a couple of Budweisers.
Our plans do call for leaving in a few days heading to Treasure Cay or Guana. Wherever we go it will be nice. Treasure Cay has a beautiful beach (one of the nicest in the world) and Guana is the party cay with Nippers and Grabbers toping the list as a great night out with the cruising as well as the land based tourist community. The Barefoot Man will make his yearly appearance at Nippers this coming weekend with several concerts. That place will be rocking to say the least. They have a pool right next to the bar and at times the party turns into a naked free for all at the pool with cocktails in hand and the music on level 10!
All in a night out at Nippers. Grabbers is another place that is somewhat keyed down but their food is the best. Our favorite is Italian night.
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